Sunday 22 November 2020

In the Blue Sky of the Red Mother

Gleaning words from old writing, I came across the title of this painting.

I wanted to know who the Red Mother was, what she looked like, and what the significance of her blue sky was. 

This is what I found out:

The sky is an emanation of her.

She is like the sunset, red with that burning light.

She is the full moon, pregnant with the sun’s light.

She creates the serenity of the sky from her being.

In the Blue Sky of the Red Mother, watercolours and gouache on gesso prepared paper (2020)


  1. i do so admire the way you use geometric forms in ways that are flowing, not static and hard-edged, and in doing so you get them to tell a story visually. they trip ancient wires in our minds; the images are somehow familiar, because they are layered with, made up of, these forms and symbol-shapes we have known nearly forever...

    1. Thank you!

      I had been looking at the concentric circles and arcs of carved megaliths, but really wanted to just go with the flow and create the forms as I envisioned them. Whatever felt right.

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