Monday 30 July 2018

Wise Words: Truth

Truth is harder to bear than ignorance, and so ignorance is valued more—also because the status quo depends on it; but love depends on self-knowledge, and self-knowledge depends on being able to bear the truth.
(Andrea Dworkin, Intercourse, Twentieth Anniversary Edition, Basic Books: New York, 1987/2006, p. 63)


Fearless female truth-telling is extremely threatening to the status quo, particularly when that woman is denouncing sacred male authority. 

(Jane Caputi, Gossips, Gorgons & Crones: The Fates of the Earth, Bear & Company, Santa Fe, 1993, p. 95)


  1. "fearless female truth-telling is extremely threatening to the status quo"...

    yes, isn't it?!

    because transformative. oh, yes.


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