Monday 26 November 2018

Wise Words: What They Did Not Want Us To Know

I learned that this is the key: to trust our deepest feelings and to find the words to express them. Feeling is the origin of thinking. Our bodies are ourselves. This is what (so-called) great philosophers and scientists and theologians have denied. This is what they did not know and did not want us to know!

(Carol P. Christ, ‘Woman and Nature: Our Bodies Are Ourselves’, 26 June, 2017, Feminism and Religion,


  1. oh, yes. so often i think that these monotheists, these philosophers, knew in their bones that they had given up/pushed away something of tremendous value in exchange for a box of dry bones, dry words, dust and ashes... so they doubled down, insisting that their way of seeing things was correct, despite all evidence to the contrary. they denigrated the older ways and those who clung to them. they worshiped the brain and the sky and things unseeable, and tried hard to transcend their own physicality and all embodied being. and they knew it was flawed, but they just kept at it, as did all their similarly fleeced followers, until we ended up where we are now. and still, secular or spiritual, the deluded seek knowledge and wholeness in all the wrong places. and we are all sick, because our bodies are shouting now...

    1. Yes, exactly. Our bodies are shouting and it is time we listened to what they are saying.


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