Thursday 8 December 2022

A Coalescence of Time and Yarn

I finished making this blanket early in the year, but have not had the opportunity to photograph it until now. I completed most of it during my six months away from social media last year, knitting a few rows each evening, which coalesced into this design inspired by Ukrainian Easter eggs. The tragic events of this year have made it even more poignant and precious, to have created such a thing. Though my maternal ancestry is Polish, I’m sure there is forgotten, or more likely denied, Ukrainian blood in the mix.

The human web we have woven is a complicated and knotted one, and I’m sure the tangles will get worse as the dominant culture collapses. But there’s a great deal of material to reweave, so many different colours and shades to knit into a new pattern, thus we are not short of bright, shining threads to do that work of renewal.

Even when I am unable to do much, except knit, or read more than is sensible, or overthink myself into a twist, I feel assured that there is meaning behind it, that I am still part of the overall pattern, and that maybe I am still weaving new life into being.


  1. oh, this is truly a thing of beauty! and the meaning woven into is a big part of that beauty. like you, i have been looking back--far back--for things to carry into the future. i just love this knitted artwork, that combines an ancient heritage with your current-day hands, and brings hope to the future of reclaiming something good. linking the generations in transmission of ancient patterns, attitudes rooted in the web of life. and knitting can be a kind of magic, can it not?

    well done. you.


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