Monday 3 September 2018

Wise Words: We Are Sacred

We say everything comes back. And you cannot divert the river from the riverbed. We say every act has its consequences. That this place has been shaped by the river, and that the shape of this place tells the river where to go.

… everything returns, we say, and one thing follows another, there are limits, we say, on what can be done and everything moves. We are all part of this motion, we say, and the way of the river is sacred, and this grove of trees is sacred, and we ourselves, we tell you, are sacred. 

(Susan Griffin, Woman and Nature: The Roaring Inside Her, The Women’s Press: London, p. 186)


  1. another good book that i want to re-read...

    i love the reminder that we are part of a great cyclical motion, every part of which is sacred. and that limits are part of that whole, and not a bad thing...


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