Tuesday 14 November 2023

Gleanings: I

parted from self 
mind awry 
in dark grief and 
bound within 
enclosed spaces 
heart locked away 

opening up my chest 
singing out sorrows 
everything is black and red 

something ends then 

I want to shed my skin 
to discard the numbness 
I have used to clothe myself

and seek suitable blessings 
to hold my attention, to deepen towards – 
gentleness and flow and allowing 

I long to be borne by 
many hearts, many hands 
so I am carried 
still heart-sore, but knowing 
I am swimming in the body of love 

and if I start slowly from 
a low-to-the-ground place 
I find my frailty has been my strength 
opening, the fragile flower of hope 
for even what is lost might still seed

(September 2023)


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