Monday 1 October 2018

Wise Words: Two Dimensions Of The Same Thing

The way humans lived before civilization was a lot less work, because the planet naturally produces, naturally renews itself. It offers itself to us not only for food, but in the sense of offering wonders, and its presence. There’s none of this separation of the sacred and the secular in the natural world, both spiritual and physical well-being are offered at the same time, because—and this is what is most important—the physical and the spiritual are two dimensions of the same thing.

(Thomas Berry, quoted in Derrick Jensen, How Shall I Live My Life?: On Liberating the Earth from Civilization, PM Press: Oakland, California, 2008, p. 49; my emphasis in bold)


  1. Ain't that the truth! Wonderful wise words.
    Happy October, Therese x

  2. yes, oh yes! the same thing. anyone who has ever nursed a baby knows this. but there are a million ways to know it, if we don't have a lot of rot in our heads pretending otherwise.


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