Monday 17 December 2018

Wise Words: Words Have Power

I hold to the traditional Indian views on language, that words have power, that words become entities. When I write I keep in mind that it is a form of power and salvation that is for the planet. If it is good and enters the world, perhaps it will counteract the destruction that seems to be getting so close to us. I think of language and poems, even fiction, as prayers and small ceremonies. 

(Linda Hogan, quoted in Jane Caputi, Gossips, Gorgons & Crones: The Fates of the Earth, Bear & Company, Santa Fe, 1993, p.  73)


  1. oh, i love this view. and i agree. some years ago, i consciously stopped using 'it' to refer to things like trees, animals, mountains, stones... it makes a difference!


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