Friday 3 April 2020

Beauty for Strange Times

A few weeks ago I felt a strong call to withdraw from social media and to turn within. I was looking forward to the pursuit of quiet, slowness, and inner work. 

Then the pandemic crisis escalated and many of us were forced into some form of isolation. Though social isolation is not unfamiliar to me (as I am sure is the case for many people who live with chronic illness or disability), it felt wrong to cut myself off from the world. As torn as I am about the value and healthiness of the internet, I can see that it’s performing an important social function in these uncertain times.

And paradoxically, now that I am actually forced to stay at home, I feel as if I’ve been called back into the world, and I’ve been paying all the more attention to beauty. I’ve been sharing quite a lot of photos on social media, of birds, and the moods of the mountains, as well as quotes and art and things I have made.

So I thought I’d leave some of those images here, as gifts for anyone who is online, looking for beauty, and some respite from the anxiety of these strange times.

The potent medicine of water: for calmness in turbulent times … and ducks!

Superb fairy wrens: a female; and a male growing into his adult feathers.

Beautiful morning skies.

Little garden beastie (an eastern water skink) making the most of the autumn sun.

A strange line in the clouds.

Mountains, and mountainous cloud formations.

It’s mushroom season!

A watery start to April.

Mountain devil in flower.

A satin bowerbird who was a little annoyed at me.

And cockatoos, looking smug as always.


  1. thank you! ducks and other creatures are always cheering. and that is a stunner of a mushroom. hope you are doing well and incubating ideas to take form in words or images...

    1. Yes, ducks always cheer me up; and it was perhaps the biggest amanita I have ever seen!

      Thank you, I'm doing quite well. Strangely, life hasn't changed much at all, even if things are a lot more uncertain. I'm feeling a surge in creativity is coming, however, so I'm sure there will be some more regular posts for a while.


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